Should I do debate in college?

Have you enjoyed debate so much you’re hungry for more after graduation? Debate in college can be a dream… or a nightmare. There are several factors you need to consider when thinking about doing debate in college. First, what debate events are offered? Is the team at your university of choice solely policy, or do theyContinue reading “Should I do debate in college?”

What’s the best way to do a 1AR?

Without a doubt, the 1AR is the hardest LD speech. However, with a strong strategy, you can make it work for you to the win. The 1AR is always hard; even after four years of debate I still feel a bit nervous standing up after an information-packed 1NC-NR. That’s normal. What our job is nowContinue reading “What’s the best way to do a 1AR?”


Hello and welcome! You may have noticed a recent change: the name of this blog changed from just “Dynamic Debate” to “Dynamic Debate Advice”. There are a couple reasons for this. First, there is already another Dynamic Debate! I stumbled across them when doing some administrative work on YouTube (more on that later) and decidedContinue reading “Updates”

What do I say about tense/charged topics?

If you’ve ever debated something that made you squirm, keep flowing and keep going! Many issues hit people’s buttons the wrong way: child abuse, sexism, racism, and more. Debate has no rules against using these topics in round, so unless you compete on the world’s most conservative circuit, you will encounter “tense” topics. It’s notContinue reading “What do I say about tense/charged topics?”

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